Month: November 2007

R says

Sorry no pictures today.   We had a nice day, R went to school this morning, and after her nap, we had a playdate with M from her school.  She and M had a great time playing, and I know us mummies had a wonderful time talking!  R had such a good time playing that it was very hard for her to say goodbye.

Once we got her home, she was hungry, and she had a snack.  At the end of it she asked for candy, and I said no, no candy now.   She turns and says to me “Mummy, you are disappointing me!”.  What a kid.

Small Miracles

Yesterday the weather was awful.  The wind was around 50km/hr, the sky was very dark and it snowed/hailed/drizzled all day long.   In the afternoon Grandpa took R out, and I decided to whip over to Chapters to get some magazines to send to family (I’m sure you know who you are!).   Our spirits have been really really low lately, wondering when or even if our second adoption was going to happen.  It has been hard to keep up a postivie attitude.   As I left Chapters, I noticed that the sky ahead was a very dark shade of grey, extremely striking against some white street lights in front of it.  I couldn’t help comparing my dark mood with the sky.   As I got into the car, I looked out at the clouds again then turned away and went to start the car, Something had caught my eye and I looked back at the clouds, there was a very faint, but very distinct rainbow on the stormy grey background.   It seemed like a good sign to me.

Later that evening, our Social worker did call, and say our Homestudy file would be going to the Ministry (Ministry of Children and Family Services) tomorrow.   Wow.  We’ve been waiting for this for about 5 months.  We are very happy things now are in progress, although we still have this underlying feeling of dis-belief.  

Anyways, we got an email from our Agency confirming that our file has been sent on today.  One small step forward!
