Month: January 2010

Exersaucer first time

Today J was in the exersaucer for the first time. He seemed to really like it, and very very quickly figured out that he could turn around. He was also very drooly today, hence the bib.


So sorry I haven’t updated until now. There’s been some technical problems, and my other half has been very busy. Anyways, things should be fine now!

Skating lessons

R is signed up for more skating lessons. She is happy to be in the class with her best friend N. She is making remarkable progress. At the beginning of the lessson she was still walking on the ice, and by the end of the lesson she was already starting to do the one leg push glide.

Great Wolf Lodge

We were at great wolf lodge as our first family of 4 mini vacation. We met some other friends, fellow adopters, and had a good time. Here are some pictures.
A bit-o-sass
J did a lot of this, although his naps are always mini, averaging about 10 min.
A bit-o-sass
Daddy brought J into the pool for a bit. He didn’t mind the water at all. He likes his bath too, so that didn’t surprise me.
A bit-o-sass
And here is our fish like daughter in the pool.
A bit-o-sass
