Month: March 2011

Fish lips

For some reason Small boy is making this face lately. I don’t know why, but it is just super cute.

How cute is this??

This is J’s little buddy at church. She is just a few days older than him. J was sitting on the floor and she just walked over and sat down beside him…..too sweet!

Like sniffing glue…

Except without all that brain damage. I got my fix today. J had a nice bath, full body wash down with Aveeno, and mummy got a nice sniff fix of him as I gave him his bottle.

Small boy update

I realize I haven’t updated everyone on J (aka Small boy)’s progress. He is certainly gaining confidence. The physio remarked the other day at therapy that he seem a lot more sturdy, confident even. This was Monday, and I was telling her how he would stand with the walker, but not actually walk with the walker. Well the next day I got him to walk with the skate thingy. (thing you use on ice to learn to skate) My friend E looked at me in horror when I told her I was using this for J as a walker, until I told her that I did put those furniture glides on the bottom first! She was worried about our wood floors. Anyways. He actually walked across the kitchen, mostly pushing all by himself! What’s more he did it again later with R moving the support on him! He’s not doing it all the time, but he certainly is wanting to stand/walk with support more than crawling. So today he’d push the skate thingy to the fridge, then transfer to lean on the fridge and throw all the magnets on the floor…progress!
