Month: December 2012

So proud of my J man!

So J was all about “wash his hands” this morning as I was getting ready for the day. I told him he didn’t need to, this didn’t deter him. I told him there was no stool for him to stand on, and so he wandered off. I comes back pushing E’s portable exersaucer…I was curious, so I just watched him. Very deliberately he pushed it in front of the sink. Then he sort of dove into it, and managed to get back upright and into it. I figured he was stuck, but he managed to get up, stand on the seat of the exersaucer, and then move to stand on the edge and lean on the sink. I am so proud that he thought this all through, figured out how to solve his problem, and was brave enough to do it! Way to go little man! Needless to say I let him wash his hands (aka play with water) even though he had to change shirts after.

First trip to the dentist

J had his first trip to the dentist. He was a trouper, liked the chair, glasses and sucky thing. He was great, except that he was not so good at opening his mouth wide, so all they did was polish his front teeth and ask to see him in a few months. Still, I’d call that success!

Advent calenders

Well, we had the calenders but completely forgot to open them Saturday. So today the kids got to open 2 doors. I greatly fear that this has set the bar too high for J, and that he’ll want 2 again tomorrow!
