Month: January 2008


So I finally found these jean overalls for R.  I had been on the lookout for them for about a year or so.   I was just delighted when I found them.  I eagerly showed them to my daughter, and she refused to wear them, on the grounds that “they are not pretty enough”.  Well.   I was determined to get her to wear them.  So last night I sat up sewing on pink rick rack.   In the morning I found out they were “acceptable”.  I think they are just darling.  Thoughts?  (oh, and I updated the site to include more of our early January happenings)

Warm drinks, cold days

I found R the other day sitting on the coffee table, with her little mug of tea drinking it and reading.  It made me chuckle.  She seems to have a thing now for herbal tea.  Whenever I make some, she excitedly asks if she can have some too.   Hers is a watered down version, with a large ice cube inside.

Waiting…it’s no fun

Day 42.  Still waiting for a referral.  We are trying to be patient, but we really want our referral!   Every night we included “and be with R’s sister in Zambia” in our prayers.  Tonight R asked “When is my sister coming home?”.  We told her we don’t know, and she broke into tears, crying “when is she coming home??”.  It breaks my heart.  Hope for a referral soon!


Hey, check out that picture!   My daughter back on skates!! I guess we didn’t traumatize her in October afterall!  I didn’t make it, but daddy says there were still lots of tears.   However, she did say she had a good time doing it!

Black eye…

This picture shows the wonderful ginger bread house we decorated at Grandma and Grandpa’s.   It also shows the lovely shiner that my darling daughter has.   Apparently (this happened on daddy’s watch) she yanked down a stocking that was hanging on the top of our bookshelf from one of those cast-iron stocking holder thingys.  Well you get the picture.  Clunk.

Happy New Year

Well it’s time to start getting used to a new year again.   We had quite the snowfall overnight/this morning.  We headed over to grandma & grandpa’s to put together a ginger bread house.   We first had to snowblow our way out of the driveway.  The ginger bread house had some structural integrity problems, aka. it didn’t stay together.   We abandoned it quite quickly in favour of playing in the snow.   It was still snowing, and all of us adults and kids had a great time.   Grandpa built a ‘snowman’, really more of a snow-blob.  Daddy built a lovely snowman with extremely round and precise snowballs.   I helped give him a nice face.   The kids had a good time playing in Grandpa’s snow covered trailer, and rolling in the snow.  M loved using his shovel, and D just loved eating snow, by hand, or with his yellow shovel.  A great time was had by all.  Gallery to be posted soon!
