Month: April 2008

The Maple Syrup Festival

We had a great time at the Maple Syrup Festival this weekend. We had a good time. It was very busy though! The best part was looking through “Old MacDonald’s Farm”. We saw lots of animals, sheep, chicks, hens, pigs, a pony, a horse, and a cow. The highlight however, was R milking a cow. Don’t worry it wasn’t real! The ‘milk’ was water that fell back into the bucket, and recycled back through the cow! How cool is that!


Yes, it’s true. We finally have an update to pass along regarding our family expansion. The director of our agency, Imagine Adoption (formerly known as Kids Link), recently returned from Zambia and had informaiton to pass along. The new foster home in Lusaka has been set up, and is now ready to receive kids. The first few infants have moved in already. The compound is able to hold around 50 children. The next steps are that the children in the home will be PCR DNA tested for HIV, then given a medical. Then the kids will be ready to be matched to famliies!

Once we accept the referral, our 90 day fostering period will start. This time will be served in the Imagine Adoption transition/foster home. We will be able to travel a bit before the 90 days are up, at which point we will go to court to officialize (is that a word?) the adoption. We are excited, as it does look like we’ll be receiving a referral in the next few weeks. I’ll be even more delighted when we can show you all our referral!

Cuteness itself

Need I say more? This neice of mine is cuteness herself.

R says (yup, more)

Whenever R is hungry these days, I ask her exactly how hungry she is. In keeping with this theme, this is the conversation at our supper table. ” I’m so hungry I could eat an Oma!” Uncle B laughs, and R looks at him and says “It is so serious, it’s not funny Uncle B”.
