
Words words words

So I was trying to make a list yesterday of all of J’s words. As of yesterday, the list looked like this
mama, dada, (sister’s name)
bye bye
K-ty (kitty)
mao (what the kitty says)
Ca (for car)
Bu (for button)
PL (for please learned last week)
Ca-ca for cracker learned yesterday
Hand signs he knows (which apparently count as words according to the speech therapist)
All done
waves “hi”
Waves “bye bye”
Points at things he wants

Not a bad list eh? Well, today he added two more. Grandpa and grandma had him for the morning, and J loves being with them. When they were dropping him off I heard him say Gr-pa quietly, but grandpa heard it too and was pleased as punch! Later in the evening R was getting J to chortle in the car on the way home. It was hilarious, it almost sounded like he was going to split his gut! Anyways. I was trying to record this on my Blackberry, and I said to R, “Ready…set” and small boy sayd “GO”!! I had no idea he knew that!