
Interesting Tidbits

Here are several interesting tidbits about our dear daughter

  • R has named her two hands.  They are called “Mary” and “Dahla”.   The other day she was eating popcorn from a bag and she says to me “Mary and Dahla help me eat popcorn.  Mary holds the bag while Dala gets the popcorn to my mouth”.
  • R loves perform her version of an Irish dance.  She learned this from Dorthy the Dinasaur on the Wiggles.
  • She isn’t sleeping much better, but she is sleeping a bit later in the mornings, between 7 and 7:30 usually
  • She starts preschool next week, she is both excited and nervous
  • She stlil loves tomatos, eats lots of them right from the garden
  • She points at everything with her middle finger….not her pointer
  • She can write an ‘R’ very well, but doesn’t really have an interest in writing her full name, although she can write all the individual letters