
Yes, the pita is as big as her head / My first mosquito bite

Well. R was hungry today at lunch. She desparately wanted a pita/wrap with “lots of olives”. So we met daddy for lunch at a great place called “the Grill” and I got her a pita. Yes, it was the size of her head. And you know what? She ate it all!!! Ok, there was a bit of pits filling stuff that dropped out, but she ate that huge thing! Wow. I didn’t know that was physically possible.

No adoption news, we’re still trying to digest the last crappy news. Anyways. On the up side the weather was lovely today, about 16 degrees. I got a bit of yard work done, then sat outside with my tripod and super zoomy lens trying to take pictures of the group of cedar waxwings in our crabapple tree. As I type I’m still sitting outside, but man i’m heading in cause I’m getting bit by multiple mosquitos! More than once since I typed the title.