Month: March 2007


I finally finished R’s room.  I found these “Wallies” at the craft store.  They are pre-pasted wall paper cut-outs.  I couldn’t believe I found the exact colours I needed!  I don’t have a picture now, and I’m not waking R to take one, so you’ll have to wait until tomorrow!   I feel so proud to have started a project on the weekend and actually finished it too!!  Once she’s more secure in her bed, we’ll put up the bed frame.  Take a look here.

Chinese New Year – Welcome year of the Pig

Today we celebrated Chinese New Year with our “Bamboo Bunch”, group of local families who have adopted from China.   The kids had time to play together and do crafts before dinner.   After dinner we were entertained with a Lion dance.  R remembered the Lion dance from last year and was quite nervous.   Daddy kept reassuring her that he would warn her before it started.  She was very fortunate to have a chance to touch the lion before the dance began.  It also helped that she could see the drummer.  She did very well during the dance.   She loved the chance after to play on the drums with her friend G!! Check out the pictures

Snow Day :-(

Today is a snow day.  We started with lots of snow falling yesterday, then freezing rain coming.   Today the temperature is supposed to hover around 0, and we are expecting snow, freezing rain and ice pellets…So all the schools are closed, no buses, and lots of other things are cancelled, including R’s field trip with her pre-school to an art gallery.  You know, snow days were much more fun when I was a student.  Now as a parent I’m desparate to DO something with R and pretty much everything is closed! Sigh.  What can you do.

Update:  I called my good friend K and invited myself and R over!! She was more than happy to have us, as were her kids.   Here are some pictures of the kids hanging out.
